Growing Kent & Medway

Featured story

British Hop Association (BHA) collaboration

A Growing Kent & Medway funded collaboration

Marker assisted breeding to produce powdery mildew resistant hop cultivars

Powdery mildew is one of the most important diseases threatening UK hop production. An untreated epidemic of hop powdery mildew leads to significant yield loss and cone spoilage. This project, with Wye Hops, aims to develop markers which tag the R2 powdery mildew resistance loci, identify the powdery mildew resistance gene, and validate resistance markers to confirm the development of a functional marker.

There is a huge potential for growth in the UK hop breeding market particularly where the industry is empowered by advanced genetic techniques and research.This project will enhance UK hop grower productivity through preventing disease induced yield loss and crop wastage.

Wye Hops Limited, a subsidiary of the British Hop Association (BHA), is a plant breeding company based in Canterbury, Kent. Wye Hops develops hop varieties primarily for UK hop growers.

This is a Growing Kent & Medway Business Innovation Voucher funded collaboration.

Academics involved: Dr Helen Cockerton.