I am currently a senior lecturer at the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia. My field of expertise is fish and shellfish immunology. My research in Universiti Putra Malaysia focuses on the production of monoclonal antibodies against leukocytes in tropical aquaculture fish and shellfish species. My team is also working on development of immunoprophylactic pellets for fish and shellfish using hen yolk IgY as well as local herbs. My current research also concerns oral delivery of therapeutic and prophylactic products. My team has managed to file several national and international patents from our research output. In addition to my research, I actively participate in international conferences and workshops to share, update and discuss the latest information of fish immunology. I have won the most eye-catching research poster award in an international conference well-known for fish immunologists, the 18th Fish Immunology Workshop, hosted by the Cell Biology & Immunology group at Wageningen University & Research, in 2017. I am currently the Honorary Treasurer of Malaysian Fisheries society and an active member of the Asian Fisheries Society. I am enthusiastically interacting with local farmers to discuss the issues and problems in aquaculture and provide effective solutions.