Project role: support WP4 in developing and implementing the Country-specific Public Outreach Strategies; organising public needs assessment survey; school information fairs, citizens juries and other relevant public events; and contributing to academic outputs of the project and development of new funding initiatives.
Professor David Rotman is a director and founder of the Center for Sociological and Political Researches of BSU and one of the leading specialists at the CIS territory in techniques of organization and conduct of sociological and political research. Professor Rotman is an author of a number of academic publications in the sphere of sociology of politics and electoral behaviour, sociology of youths, sociology of deviant behaviour, sociology of international relations, methods of sociological research. He has published more than 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals, and is an author and editor of about thirty books. His research has been funded by the diverse national and international funders including different ministries, World Bank, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, EU and others. He has been a Belarusian team leader and managed a dozen of INTAS projects, conducted TASCIS and COPERNICUS studies, participated as a national project director in comparative international FP5, FP7 projects. David Rotman is a vice-President of the Belarusian Sociological Association, vice-Chief Editor of the peer-reviewed Belarusian sociological journal “Sotsiologiya”, member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the World Values Survey Association, national program director of the European Values Study program, national program director in the comparative sociological research program ‘Eurasia Barometer’.