Global Challenges Doctoral Centre

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GCDC Termly Updates

Autumn 2022

In this issue: Message from our GCDC Director, New GCDC PhD studentship, a Poster worth a thousand words, Valentina's exceptional year.

Summer 2022

In this issue: Message from our GCDC Director, Thrilling first talks, Congrats Dr. Zheng, Cracking a hard nut.

Spring 2022

In this issue: Message from our GCDC Director, The "Do no harm" principle, Conflict and the SDGs, Entering our "Chaotic Era."

Autumn 2021

In this issue: Message from our GCDC Director, The 1.5° C pledge, Unheard Voices of the Vulnerable, Guiana’s green shield, Student profile, Voice your science.

Manaus, Brazil

Summer 2021

In this issue: The peer review process, making a research back up plan, our GCDC poster prize winner, mammal conservation in Indonesia, Brazil Footprint 0.0 event series, and the termly message from our Director.

Spring 2021

In this issue: SDG lecture with Professor Eric Neumayer, GCRF funding update from the GCDC Director, post-doctoral research in heritage, sustainability on the Canterbury campus, and doctoral lab work in Biosciences.

Autumn 2020

In this issue: Message from our GCDC Director, new GCDC student publications, staff farewells, new GCRF Officer, GSA Lecture, PhD research during a global pandemic, and a PDRA profile.

Summer 2020

In this issue: virtual training and events, new specialised GCDC methods training videos, ten new GCDC PhD students to join the Centre in September 2020, two new GCDC postdoctoral researchers appointed in August 2020, and PhD and PDRA blog posts.

Spring 2020

In this issue: the GCDC welcomes postdoctoral research associates, upcoming virtual training, become a staff affiliate, and doing a PhD in the age of coronavirus.

Autumn 2019

In this issue: A new director and deputy director for the GCDC, welcoming our 2019 PhD cohort, the 2020 PhD scholarship competition, and upcoming training and events.