I am a Senior Research Fellow and BPS Chartered Psychologist based at the Centre for Health Service Studies (CHSS), University of Kent. I am an expert in behavioural health psychology, with a specific focus on areas of nutrition (breastfeeding, obesity and malnutrition), sanitation and training of healthcare professionals. Previous research projects in GCRF-related areas include a project funded by GCRF Partnership Fund to explore the breastfeeding habits of men in Uganda, an evaluation of a WASH initiative in Cambodia and the training of healthcare professionals in St Helena.
My current and previous research has focused on three UN Sustainable Development Goals: Zero hunger (SDG2); Good health and wellbeing (i.e. decrease the risk of non-communicable diseases) (SDG3); and Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6).
My current and previous research has supported several GCRF Challenge areas: Equitable access to sustainable development (sustainable health and wellbeing); and Human rights, good governance and social justice (reduce inequality and promote human rights in a country affected by conflict and displacement.
DAC-countries benefiting from my research: Uganda; Cambodia; and St Helena.
View Sarah’s full academic profile here.
I would be interested in supervising projects with a focus on behavioural science approaches to design, delivery and evaluation of health behaviour change interventions. I am also interested in Implementation Science approaches to evaluation and would welcome proposals that explore how evidence can be translated in to policy and practice in DAC-countries.