Soeren Keil, PhD is Reader in Politics and International Relations at Canterbury Christ Church University in the UK. He is also Professor and Module Director at Centre International de Formation Europeene (CIFE) in Nice, France.
His research focuses on the use of territorial autonomy as a tool of conflict resolution, the political systems of the Western Balkan states and the process of EU enlargement.
His recent publications include: Power-Sharing in Europe (co-edited with Allison McCulloch) and Federalism and Conflict Resolution (forthcoming with Palgrave, co-authored with Paul Anderson).
He is a member of the Executive Committee of Research Committee 28 (Comparative Federalism and Multilevel Governance) of IPSA, and the Academic Director of the website project
Together with Eva Maria Belser (Institute of Federalism – University of Fribourg, Switzerland), he edits the book series Federalism and Internal Conflicts at Palgrave MacMillian.
He has advised NGOs, governments and international oganizations on questions related to federalism and decentralization in Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and is currently lead expert on federalism reforms for the German Hanns-Seidel Stiftung in Myanmar/Burma.