Patricia Popelier is Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Antwerp, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Kent and co-promoter of the interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence TRUSTGOV. Her main research topics are federalism and multilevel governance, constitutional review, legislative studies, and issues of legitimacy and legal certainty.
She is the author of more than 300 publications in the field of Belgian, European and comparative constitutional law, including Constitutional Asymmetry in Multinational Federalism (Palgrave MacMillan 2019, with Maja Sahadzic) and The Constitution of Belgium. A contextual analysis (Hart 2015, with Koen Lemmens).
She is the vice-president of the International Association of Legislation (IAL), convenor of the standing research group on subnational constitutions in federal and quasi-federal systems of the International Association of Constitutional Law, member of the scientific committee of EURAC – Institute for Federalism (Bolzano), of the scientific committee of the Sofia Legal Science Network (SLSN) and of the scientific committee of the Ossevatorio AIR (Rome), and member of several editorial boards, including the journal Theory and Practice of Legislation (TPLeg) and the book series Law and Cosmopolitan Values and Diversitas.