Dr Robinson has a broad background in conservation science, having previously worked for the RSPB, the UK CITES Scientific Authority (at JNCC), and the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums. She completed her PhD in Biodiversity Management at DICE in 2017 and was subsequently awarded the RSPB Science national award for ‘An Outstanding PhD’. Her PhD Supplying the exotic pet trade: conservation and livelihood implications, utilised global analysis of wildlife trade data to explore dynamics of the reptile trade (particularly relating to source countries and origin), social and economic research methods to examine wildlife value chains and associated livelihoods in Madagascar, and specialised questioning techniques to explore factors concerning sustainability of the wildlife trade at the end-user level. Dr Robinson subsequently worked as a Lecturer in Conservation Science at DICE, during which time she spearheaded the DICE Wildlife Trade Research Hub and was an active member of the Women in Conservation Canterbury Network founding committee.