Centre for Critical Thought

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Reading Groups

The Centre for Critical Thought periodically hosts reading groups on a variety of topics in critical philosophy and theory.

Members are encouraged to form new reading groups, especially ad-hoc or short-term reading programmes to consider topical readings on current events, or to read the work of an upcoming visitor to the University. If you would like further information about any of the groups, please email the contact provided.

Current Reading Groups

Reading Feminist Theory

An interdisciplinary reading group on feminist theory with an emphasis on continental feminist theory. The term ‘feminist theory’ is broadly conceived to embrace/include texts from a variety of fields such as philosophy, politics, law and social theory. The reading group runs the second year of its life and its members are primarily postgraduate students and academic staff, although keen and committed undergraduate students, are also welcome.  We meet on Wednesdays at 11 o’clock at the Gulbenkian.  

Contact: Maria Drakopoulou m.drakopoulou@kent.ac.uk

Deleuze and Guattari reading group

Following a brief (two year) hiatus, the Deleuze and Guattari reading group will start afresh next Thursday 18th October at 16:00-17:30, in Darwin Seminar Room 8 (DS8), and will continue weekly thereafter.

Although the reading group will predominantly study material written by the titular authors, we will also read both secondary and tertiary literature, as well as literature that informed their works.

In the 50th anniversary of the ‘68 protests, and in lieu of a discussion about what the member’s interests in the authors’ works are to further direct the group, on Thursday we will discuss “Deleuze and Guattari Fight Back” and “On Capitalism and Desire” which can both be found in Deleuze, G. (2004). Desert Islands: and other texts, 1953-1974 Los Angeles and New York, Semiotext(e).

Please also spread the word to anyone you think may be interested in attending. I look forward to seeing people at the group, for what I hope will be some interesting and critical discussion.

Chris Henry: C.M.Henry@kent.ac.uk

Marxism reading group – Autumn 2018.

Meets weekly on Tuesdays 4-5.30 pm., to discuss works of Marxist and left theory.

In October and November 2018 we plan to read:  Marx’s Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, to be followed by Part One of The German Ideology. Decisions about the future programme will be agreed by members of the group.

The first meeting: 4.00 – 5.30 p.m., Tuesday 2nd October in Cornwallis East Seminar Room 2.

New participants are welcome, and we would be particularly pleased to welcome female participants. Please contact us if you would like further details or to be added to the mailing list. It would be helpful to know if you plan to attend.

Sean Sayers: S.P.Sayers@kent.ac.uk
Stephen Perkins: perkythered@googlemail.com

Philosophy reading group

Usually meets weekly 4.00-5.30 pm on Fridays. Recent readings have included:

28 September 2018 Hannah Arendt, “The concept of history: ancient and modern”, in Between Past and Future, Penguin, 2006. Pt I History and nature, pp. 41- 63.

Nietzsche, “On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life”, In Untimely Meditations.

New participants are welcome, and we would be particularly pleased to welcome female participants. Please contact us if you would like further details or to be added to the mailing list. It would be helpful to know if you plan to attend.

Sean Sayers: S.P.Sayers@kent.ac.uk

Past Reading Groups

Information about past reading groups coming soon.