Previous studies have involved the development and evaluation of novel teaching methods for undergraduates, development and evaluation of training materials for pharmacy staff providing advice on alcohol, and for pharmacists to improve their consultation skills, evaluation of training in behaviour change therapy and training Italian pharmacists to deliver MURs.
Current projects
Integrating community pharmacy into the urgent and emergency care pathways
This work carried out by Dr Trudy Thomas and Mrs Linda Dodds, and funded by Health Education Kent Surrey Sussex, explored the number and nature of urgent care requests presented to community pharmacies, how they were managed and customer satisfaction.
‘Walk in my shoes’
This project, carried out in Lewisham CCG, in which community pharmacists and GPs changed places to learn what life is really like from the other side. It was evaluated by Dr Trudy Thomas, and led to PSNC offering a toolkit for others to develop a similar programme.
Community pharmacist public health services
As well as evaluating individual public health services, a national map of these services commissioned by local authorities in 2014/15 was created using Freedom of Information requests. Our studies have also researched the views of community pharmacists providing these services.
Pharmacy undergraduate education
Dr Tarlochan Gill leads the interprofessional education work within the School and is evaluating the programme through focus groups.
Other work within the School is investigating the sleep patterns of MPharm students and their association with academic performance, and the impact of didactic ‘Thinking School’ teaching methodology on student performance. These studies involve Dr Tarlochan Gill and Dr Gurprit Lall.