
Dr Fowler’s research interests include the major philosophes; novels, drama and philosophy of the eighteenth century; libertinage and the libertine novel; Samuel Richardson and his influence in France; cross-cultural influences, especially between French and English writers of the eighteenth century; narratology; literary psychoanalysis; discourses of the body. Dr Fowler is in the process of setting up an international network to promote research into French texts by women writers published in the long eighteenth century. He is currently preparing a book entitled Clarissa Lives: Richardson and the ‘philosophes’. This book examines the English author’s significance for Voltaire, Diderot and Rousseau, all of whom wrote ‘Richardsonian’ fictions and commented on Richardson in letters or (in Diderot’s case) a eulogy. Click here to read James’ full staff profile.

Last updated 14th October 2020