Portrait of  Shazza Ali

Shazza Ali

Postgraduate Researcher


Shazza is a PhD student in social psychology at the University of Kent. She obtained an Economic and Social Research Council funded CASE studentship in partnership with People United to carry out her PhD research.

Prior to her PhD she received a Bsc. in Psychology and a Msc. in Group Processes and Intergroup Relations from the Centre for Study of Group Processes at the University of Kent. Shazza is particularly interested in exploring strategies to increase positive emotions and positive behaviours, especially during childhood and early adolescence.

Research interests

+ Intergroup relations and group processes
+ Moral emotions
+ Prosocial behaviour
+ Prejudice and discrimination
+ Social identity
+ Social unity and community engagement
+ The arts and creative expression

Shazza's primary research interests lie within the field of social developmental psychology. During her PhD, she aims to examine the role of moral emotions (moral elevation and moral outrage) in instigating prosocial behaviour. Currently, she is looking at the development of these emotions throughout childhood and the influence that they have on subsequent behaviour.
Shazza is particularly interested in the potential of moral emotions in reducing intergroup bias. Her work with People United involves evaluating the impact of arts based interventions in promoting prosocial behaviour and enhancing social cohesion.

Last updated 12 March 2020