Statistics at Kent

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Current research projects

Research interests within the Statistics group cover a wide spectrum, as can be seen elsewhere on our research pages. On this page we provide a brief summary table of some current projects that may be of interest to new research students, research fellows, and others.

Use the link in the left-hand column to access a PDF or web page with more details.

We’re keen to build new research partnerships and to find ways for you to become involved. Please contact the named supervisor(s) if you’d like to find out more about a project.

 Topic/project  More information
Automatic clustering for light curves of stars  Supervisor(s): Dr Alfred Kume
Functional response for a heterogeneous world  Supervisor(s): Dr Daniel Bearup
Multivariate statistics and population structure in large genetic datasets  Supervisor(s): Dr James Bentham
On multivariate nonparametric additive models with applications to anticancer drug studies
Sparse matrix-valued regression models: theory and methodologies
 Supervisor(s): Prof Jian Zhang
Parameter redundancy in Ecological Models  Supervisor(s): Dr Diana Cole
Population-level analysis of gut microbes prevalence, variation and adaptations in the human and animal gut microbiota  Supervisor(s): Dr Eleni Matechou

Online change-point detection;
Dirty Statistical models Supervisor(s): Dr Peng Liu

Uncertainty and Stochasticity in genome replication Supervisor(s): Dr Eduard Campillo-Funollet.