Reports of the Constitutional Law Experts:
Albi, A. and Bardutzky, S. (eds.) National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law: National Reports, Volumes I and II (TMC Asser Press/Springer, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence; published in May 2019, available as an Open Access e-book and as a hardcopy book). Open access Introduction to the project.
The Comparative Study:
Albi, A. National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law. A Comparative Study (TMC Asser Press/Springer; publication expected in December 2019)
Introductory chapter and summary of the project (Open Access):
Albi A. and Bardutzky, S. ‘Revisiting the Role and Future of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Introduction to the Research Project’, in Albi A. and Bardutzky S. (eds.), National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law. National Reports. Volumes I and II (T.M.C. Asser Press & Springer, May 2019), available open access here
Project publications by Anneli Albi
Albi, A. Erosion of Constitutional Rights in EU Law: A Call for ‘Substantive Co-operative Constitutionalism’ Part 1 (2015) 9(2) Vienna Journal of International Constitutional Law (ICL Journal) 151-185. The paper is available Open Access in SSRN.
Albi, A. Erosion of Constitutional Rights in EU Law: A Call for ‘Substantive Co-operative Constitutionalism’ Part 2 (2015) 9(3) Vienna Journal of International Constitutional Law (ICL Journal) 291-343. The paper is available Open Access in SSRN.
Albi A. ‘The Undiscussed Effects of the Charter: Uniformisation of the three main constitutional cultures of the EU Member States and what is lost’, in Bobek M. and Prassl J. (eds.) EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Member States (Hart Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2019)
Albi, A. The European Arrest Warrant, constitutional rights and the changing legal thinking: Values once recognised lost in transition to the EU level? in: Fletcher, M., Herlin-Karnell, E. and Matera, C. eds. The European Union as an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (Routledge, 2016).
Interview responses by Anneli Albi, in book European Union Law and the Constitutional Courts of the Member States. Interviews by D. Calin (Editura Universitara, Bucharest, 2015, ISBN 978-606-28-0335-3; DOI 10.5682/9786062803353)
Albi, A., An essay on how the discourse on sovereignty and the co-operativeness of national courts has diverted attention from the erosion of classic constitutional rights in the EU, in M. Claes, M. De Visser, P. Popelier and C. Van De Heyning (eds.), Constitutional Conversations in Europe (Cambridge, Intersentia, 2012)
Project publications by Samo Bardutzky
Bardutzky, S. Constitutional Courts, Preliminary Rulings and the ‘New Form of Law’: The Adjudication of the European Stability Mechanism (2015) 16(6) German Law Journal 1771-1790
Bardutzky, S. Constitutional transformations at the edge of a bail-out: the impact of the economic crisis on the legal and institutional structures in Slovenia (2016) 26(6) – Rivista di diritto pubblico italiano, comunitario e comparato
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