Programming Languages and Systems Research Group

Some current projects

Detailed below is a list of selected research projects of Group Members. Smaller projects with a budget lower than £50k are not listed here.

Current Grants

  • Grad4HOProb: Graded Modal types for Quantitative Analysis of Higher-Order Probabilistic programs, Vineet Rajani, Dominic Orchard, ARIA, 2024-2025, £226K
  • MEBI: Mechanised Bisimilarities and Behavioural-typed Processes, David Castro-Perez, ISPF, 2024-2025, £162,324
  • Safe and secure COncurrent programming for adVancEd aRchiTectures (COVERT), Mark Barry, EPSRC, 2023-2027, £374,698
  • TYPDSEC: Type-based information declassification and its secure compilation, Vineet Rajani, EPSRC, 2023-2025, £160K
  • Transparent pointer safety: Rust to Lua to OS Components, Mark Batty, Simon Cooksey, Michael Vollmer, 2022-2025, £494,770
  • FastStart: Fast Single­Truth Language Runtimes, Stefan Marr, 2021-2024, £120,003
  • Session Types for Reliable Distributed Systems (STARDUST), Laura Bocchi, David Castro-Perez, Simon Thompson, EPSRC, 2020-2025, £555,120

Previous Grants