Portrait of  Tymoteusz Tula

Tymoteusz Tula

PhD candidate, entry 9/2019
Supervisors: Gunnar Möller and Jorge Quintanilla


Supervisors: Gunnar Moller and Jorge Quintanilla

Education: I have finished my master degree in Physics at Imperial College London with distinction. In my MSc thesis I have explored the ideas of real-space topological indicators in condensed matter systems.

Research interests

Scientific interests: My research background consist mostly of theoretical and computational physics.
I have been working in projects in the field of quantum optics, fractional quantum hall effect and topological materials. Recently I started to be interested in applying Machine Learning techniques to problems of Condensed Matter Physics, which is the main topic of my PhD thesis. Artificial Intelligence algorithms seem to be an interesting alternative to standard computational approaches and they were shown to perform well in a multitude of physical applications.

Current work: I am currently involved in ESPRC project "Machine Learning approaches to Quantum Materials: Quantifying Entanglement", in which I am trying to apply recently developed Artificial Intelligence techniques to obtain information about correlations in quantum many-body systems. I am also working on other applications of ML such as medical diagnosis or biophysics.


Last updated 17th December 2024