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Joining us

Fellowships, Studentships, and Open Positions

We are always open to welcome more members to our team. For a list of current openings, please consult the latest recruitment news which appear at the bottom of this page.

In addition, you may wish to explore and talk to us about the funding opportunities listed below.

PhD Positions

Research Council funded studentships:

EPSRC funded studentships are typically available with application deadlines around the new year. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for the latest opportunities.

University funded studentships:

The university maintains a list of potential scholarship opportunities at For example, this includes an annually recurrent call for Kent graduates:

University of Kent Alumni Postgraduate Research Scholarship

These are exclusively for Kent graduates and students that have played an active part in the school are encouraged to apply (student ambassadors, student reps, involvement in open days and outreach etc)

2024 deadline to be announced. For current information, see:

Commonwealth Scholarships

These enable students from a Commonwealth country to come to study in the UK.

Self-funded students:

We can also host self-funded students, so please feel free to contact us if this applies to you.

Application process

Applications are made through the University’s main admissions site. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to please feel free to contact us for further information.

Postdoctoral Positions

Funded postdoctoral positions in our department will be advertised via and our University recruitment portal at

Strong candidates are also invited to approach researchers in our team in order to discuss options for possible areas of collaboration. We may help you to develop as a postdoctoral researcher, and assist you with applications for a personal fellowship in collaboration with one of us.

For our contact details, please see the tab People.

Available fellowships are listed, below:

For more advanced researchers, there are further opportunities to build their own groups with the following fellowships:

All of these fellowships are competitive and typically require the explicit support of the host institution. If you feel qualified to apply and would like to discuss your ideas, please contact the researcher(s) whose interests you share (see people).