A PhD project offered by Dr Carlos Perez Delgado (Computing) and Dr Jorge Quintanilla (Physics) - to investigate cybersecurity applications of quantum computers
(about the first supervisor) (about the second supervisor) (to application instructions)
Deadline to submit an application: Wednesday 15 May 2024, 23:59GMT.
Project description:
Quantum cybersecurity studies applications of quantum technologies to cybersecurity, both offensive and defensive. This project focuses on cybersecurity applications of current and near future quantum devices, such as NISQ (Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum) computers. The student will join an existing vibrant research group led by Carlos Perez Delgado in the School of Computing already exploring such applications–a notable recent example is the vulnerability of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to quantum attacks.
The goal of the student will be to identify new potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities that can be exploited using current and near future quantum technologies, and to research new ways to bolster the security of systems using nascent quantum technology. Some examples of the former include quantum-technological attacks against various online systems, cloud computing, cryptocurrencies and blockchains, banking systems, and other networking systems. Some examples of the latter include quantum key-distribution and quantum cryptography, quantum secure computation, and other quantum online collaboration protocols. The specific applications to be pursued will take into account the applicant’s background and interests.
The project will be carried out in collaboration with the group led by Jorge Quintanilla in the School of Physics & Astronomy, who will bring practical expertise in developing quantum computer (Qiskit) codes and running them on simulated and real quantum hardware (IBM). This includes in-house codes for the evolutionary development of application-specific quantum algorithms. We will use this technique to find quantum codes that address specific cybersecurity problems in the fields mentioned above.
The applicant should have a first degree in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, or other related STEM field.
The student carrying out this project will be registered for a PhD in the School of Computing (the department of their main supervisor). The student will also become a member of the Physics of Quantum Materials group, with a vibrant and supportive research environment.
Supervisors: Dr Carlos Perez Delgado (c.perez@kent.ac.uk; www.kent.ac.uk/computing/people/3060/perez-delgado-carlos), Dr Jorge Quintanilla (j.quintanilla@kent.ac.uk; research.kent.ac.uk/pqm/person/jorge-quintanilla/)
A full list of projects and instructions on how to apply can be found here:
Please make sure you follow all the instructions given in that webpage.
Deadline to submit an application: Wednesday 15 May 2024, 23:59GMT.
(about the first supervisor) (about the second supervisor) (to application instructions)