Congratulations to Heidar for an outstanding achievement
We warmly congratulate Heidar Moradi who has been awarded a prestigious Early-Career Fellowship by the Leverhulme Trust. The award will allow him to carry out research for three years under the heading “Topological Holography: Unifying Symmetry & Topology in Condensed Matter Physics“.
Heidar’s fellowship will build on his impressive work on topological holography, in which he introduced the idea that Hamiltonians satisfying a particular symmetry can be understood as being the surface of a topological phase in one higher dimension. Many of the properties such as possible phase transitions of the surface theories are fully defined by the topological nature of the bulk, and in particular this establishes a close relationship between Landau symmetry breaking phase transitions in the surface and topological order in the bulk – two notions which previously were often portrayed as being antithetical to each other!
We are proud of Heidar’s achievements so far, and look forward to see him take this impressive new framework of topological holography to a whole new level still during the coming years.