Series of Colloquia on ‘Potentia Dei’, 15 June 2011
Potentia dei absoluta/ordinata: absolute and ordered Power in, around, and since Duns Scot
Trento, 2-3 March 2012
The Theology of potentia Dei and the History of European Normativity
London, 4-5 May 2012
‘Epigenesis’ in the History of Powers and Laws: Re-Describing the Debate on Potency and Poverty
Trento, 8-9 November 2012
Absolutism Re-Visited. The Making of State and Power in the Wake of Political and Religious Warfare: Roman Jurists, Neo-Platonist Philosophers, Politicising Theologians
Geneva, 14-15 February 2013
‘Sit pro ratione voluntas’: L’âge moderne de la norme et la métaphysique de la volonté