Outputs from the MEPS programme:
Meijaard and others. (2020) Toward improved impact evaluation of community forest management in Indonesia. Conservation Science and Practice, e2189. (academic journal article; free to access)
Friedman and other (2020) Beyond the community in participatory forest management: A governance network perspective. Land Use Policy, 97, 104738.
Friedman and others (2020) Analyzing procedural equity in government-led community-based forest management. Ecology and Society, In Press.
Santika and others. (2019) Heterogeneous impacts of community forestry on forest conservation and poverty alleviation: Evidence from Indonesia. People and Nature, 1, 204-219 (academic journal article; free to access)
MEPS commentaries and related media:
Meijaard, Budiharta & Santika (2017) Getting community forest reforms right. Strategic Review. 7, 7-11. (Policy journal in Indonesia)
Budiharta (2016) Perhutanan Sosial dan Upaya Konservasi (Social forestry and conservation efforts). Kompas. (Daily newspaper in Indonesia)
Dasgupta and Burivalova (2017) Does community forest management work in the tropics? Mongabay.com (Environmental news website)
Meijaard (2017) Does social forestry always decrease deforestation and poverty? Mongabay.com (Environmental news website)
Other information:
Social Forestry: http://www.mca-indonesia.go.id/en/our_news/news/new_era_of_social_forestry_for_peoples_welfare-1212