The group has access to a range of key equipment for materials synthesis, structural and physical properties characterisation and computational calculations.
Synthesis Equipment:
- Glove boxes
- A variety of ovens and muffle and tube furnaces capable of temperature up to 1500 °C and a wide range of environments
- Ball mills
- Centrifuges
Analysis Equipment for structural and compositional analysis:
- 4 X-ray powder diffractometers, including two Rigaku Miniflexes, a PANalytical X’Pert and a PANalytical Empyrean with both a monochromator and a PheniX chamber providing capabilities to cool to 12 K
- A dual source (Mo & Cu microfocus tubes) single crystal X-ray diffractometer with 80-500 K variable temperature capabilities
- An X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
- Scanning electron microscopes
- Raman spectrometer with four lasers and variable temperature capabilities from 80-1500 K
Physical property measurement equipment:
- A DC SQUID magnetometer capable of accessing up to 7 T
- Quantum efficiency measurement system
- A thermogravimetric analyser with inbuilt thermal analysis capabilities
- Differential scanning calorimetry
- Surface area and pore size distribution analyser
- Electrochemistry equipment
Computational Resources:
- The in-house Tor cluster