MArch Unit 1 at Kent School of Architecture and Planning (KSAP) are delighted to be involved in a collaborative ‘Live Project’ developing a placemaking approach for ‘Chatham Intra High Street Action Zone’ (CIHAZ) spanning from 2021 to 2025. KSAP will be involved in research, public consultation and developing placemaking strategies in liaison with Medway Council, Historic England, and other agencies and innovative and nationally recognised consultancy input within the context of CIHAZ.
The ‘Chatham Intra Significance Led Development Framework’ will comprise an in-depth study and analysis of the historic context; an aspirational yet pragmatic collective vision for the area and a delivery approach that will appropriately guide public and private sector investment into the future via an adopted ‘Supplementary Planning Document’ (SPD) for publication in 2025. The SPD will represent best practice in regeneration and planning practice in its considered, collaborative process between the public and private sectors leading to the successful regeneration of Chatham Intra High Street through defined roles for the public and private sectors. It will define appropriate development and complementary public realm to celebrate the area’s layered history and celebrate Chatham Intra’s history, enabling the area to flourish once again.