Why Supercomputing is Like Christmas

Tuesday 3rd December 2024, 7pm, Sibson Lecture Theatre 3

Sarah Harris (University of Sheffield)

Christmas is a special time, and many of us make extra effort to spoil ourselves, our friends and our families. Similarly, calculations using supercomputers use our very best technology to perform the most spectacular calculations that are currently feasible. Here I will explain what supercomputers are and why they are needed to address scientific questions. I will use illustrative examples from my own research, which uses simulations of proteins and DNA to understand biology at the molecular level, which ultimately will help us to design new treatments against disease.

Sarah is professor of biological physics at the University of Sheffield, and specialises in large scale simulations of biological matter at the molecular level.

The talk is free and open to all.  Doors open about half an hour before the talk begins.

For directions to the lecture theatre, see here.

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