What is Quantum Computing?

5th December 2023, 7pm, Sibson Lecture Theatre 3

Dr Nick Johnson (Riverlane)

What is quantum computing and why do we need it?  This talk will discuss these questions.  After introducing the basics of a quantum computer, we will look at some of the applications which will benefit from this new technology.  We will then look in more detail under the hood, introducing different types of qubit along with the crucial concept of quantum error correction.  We will also look at roadmaps of where this rapidly developing technology is heading over the next few years.

Riverlane is based in Cambridge and has a mission to make quantum computing useful far sooner than previously imaginable.

The talk is free and open to all. You can book in advance in the IOP’s website here to guarantee your seat, or just turn up on the day.  Doors open about half an hour before the talk begins.

For directions to the lecture theatre, see here.

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