Kent Astrochemistry, Irradiation, Origins and Space (KAIROS)

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Kent Astrochemistry, Irradiation, Origins and Space (KAIROS)

Pioneering Integrated Research in Space Science and Molecular Discovery

The Origins of Life Laboratory

At the forefront of astrochemical and astrobiological research, the Origins of Life Laboratory is dedicated to uncovering the fundamental processes that led to the emergence of life in the universe. This state-of-the-art facility is designed to simulate the environmental conditions of the interstellar medium, the early Earth, and other celestial bodies, providing a unique window into the complex chemical interactions that may have given rise to life.


Equipped with advanced experimental setups, the laboratory focuses on the synthesis and analysis of biomolecules under conditions that mimic those found in the interstellar medium and on planetary surfaces. Adhering to our Systems Astrochemistry approach as our guiding principle and doctrine, researchers at the lab utilise cutting-edge technology to recreate the physical and chemical environments that could have facilitated prebiotic chemistry, bridging the gap between astrochemistry and biology.

Laboratory Capabilities

ISMC (Interstellar Medium Chamber)

Scheduled to be fully operational by the third quarter of 2024, the ISMC allows for the detailed study of chemistry in the interstellar medium (ISM). This includes:

  •  Investigations involving simple molecules, Complex Organic Molecules (COMs), prebiotic molecules, and minerals.
  • Control of simulated solar photon conditions (110 – 2500 nm) and radiolytic sources (ion and electron from eV to keV) simultaneously.
  • Advanced analytical techniques like Transmission and RAIRS FTIR, QMS, and offline HR-LCMS.
  • Operation under cryogenic (<20 K) and ultra-high vacuum (<10-9 mbar) conditions.
  • Capabilities for gas dosing up to 8 lines through a micro-capillary array.
  • Future upgrades to include liquid and solids dosing, automated workflow control, robotic sampling, and data logging.

Origin of Life Reactor (OoLR)

The OoLR facilitates exploration of planetary and exo-planetary chemistry under plausible conditions:

  • Studies of simple molecules, COMs, prebiotic molecules, and minerals.
  • Examination of geochemical sources and cycles involving elements like C, H, N, O, S, P, Zn, and Fe.
  • Utilisation of broadband/continuum VUV/UV/visible light.
  • Integration with LCMS for chemical analysis.
  • Simulation of thermal and chemical gradients found in natural settings such as mineral vents and volcanoes.
  • Continuous 3D-printed flow reaction vessels for simulating prebiotic streams and exploring emergent chemistry.
  • Future integration of systematic and statistical experimental designs with Machine Learning for enhanced discovery.
  • Automated workflow controls complemented by sophisticated analytical techniques.


Provides off-line targeted and non-targeted screening and accurate mass determination of complex emergent mixtures.


The Origins of Life Laboratory is not just a facility; it is a dynamic research environment where the mysteries of life’s beginnings are being rigorously investigated, fostering discoveries that could redefine our understanding of life in the cosmos.