Instrumentation and control

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Instrumentation and Control

Enabling industry to increase efficiency, reduce emissions and enhance product quality

The Instrumentation and Control (IC) research group is comprised of a mixture of well experienced and young, vibrant academics within the School of Engineering and Digital Arts.

The IC group works in two complementary research themes – Instrumentation and Control. The group has made considerable endeavours to solve challenging measurement, monitoring and control problems through applied research programmes with support from a range of funding bodies and industry. The group has established long term partnerships with the power generation, manufacturing and healthcare industries.

The group’s expertise lies primarily in process sensors, intelligent instrumentation, embedded systems, smart condition monitoring, digital image processing, data fusion, data modelling, and robust control and estimation. Since 2010 the group has published more than 100 research papers in leading journals and over 150 refereed conference papers in the field of instrumentation, embedded systems and control. In addition to a well equipped Instrumentation Laboratory on Kent Campus, the group has regular access to industrial-scale test facilities, full-scale power plants, local hospitals and clinics.