Dr Keira Pratt-Boyden was a member of the Centre of Global Science and Epistemic Justice (GSEJ) before she took up a postdoctoral position at the College for Medicine and Health at the University of Exeter. She has remained actively involved in GSEJ’s online events. Her work focusses on the experiences of health services. Her thesis explored the perspectives and experiences of ex-service-user activists who avoid and reject NHS mental health services in favour of their own alternative, grassroots approaches to mental distress. She has been involved in various projects working with service-users (and evaders) including tracing the experiences of ‘Open Dialogue’; a dialogic intervention for mental healthcare currently being trialled in the NHS. She is working on SAMueL-2 (Stroke Audit Machine Learning), a research project focused on the development of a machine-learning tool intended to improve practice in stroke care, and on evaluating the acceptability and implementation of this tool among practising clinicians.
For more information please see: https://arc-swp.nihr.ac.uk/about-penarc/people/keira-pratt-boyden/