Portrait of Professor Stephan Onggo

Professor Stephan Onggo



Stephan Onggo is a Professor of Business Analytics at Southampton Business School, the University of Southampton and a member of the Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems (CORMSIS). He is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, an Associate Editor for the Journal of Simulation, an Area Editor for Health Systems, the general council member of The OR Society and the chair of The OR Society’s Special Interest Group in Simulation.
Previously, he was an Associate Professor of Data Analytics at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, and Assistant Professor in Operational Research at Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University. His past leadership roles include the Director of Postgraduate Teaching at the Department of Management Science, Lancaster University Management School overseeing MSc programmes in Business Analytics, Management Science and Marketing Analytics, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, e-Business and Innovation, and Project Management. He did his PhD at the National University of Singapore.

Research interests

His research interests lie in the areas of business analytics using simulation. He is particularly interested in simulation modelling methodology (symbiotic simulation/digital twins, agent-based simulation, discrete-event simulation) with applications in operations and supply chain management (e.g. health and social care, agrifood and disaster risk management) and hybrid modelling (e.g. simheuristic). Currently he is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Simulation, an Area Editor for Health Systems, and the chair of The OR Society's Special Interest Group in Simulation. He is actively involved in the organisation of the Winter Simulation Conference (e.g. track coordinator for agent-based simulation, PC member).

Last updated 25 August 2021