
Yeshim joined CARC 2015. Her areas of expertise are conflict management, multi-track diplomacy, stakeholder engagement, sustainable dialogue building and advocacy training. Partnered with the UN, UNGC, UNDP and the UK Foreign Office, she has initiated and led high-level platforms for comparative learning between Cyprus, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Turkey and the Balkans. The projects under her leadership brought together parliamentarians, political figures, youth groups, community organisations, civic leaders, business people and academics. One of her initiatives led to a pioneering dialogue platform in Cyprus that is still working successfully, despite the ongoing tensions on the ground. She has publications on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, participatory approaches, multi-sector dialogue, and diversity. Her MSc is on EU expansion and the European Regional Development Fund. She also has a Diploma in Conflict Resolution and Facilitation; and a Certificate of Mediation and Peace-Making in Complex Conflicts. She is also one of the experts that Westminster Foundation for Democracy consults.

Last updated 3rd May 2024