Centre for Health and Medical Humanities

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PlaySpace: Public Play and Wellbeing

Study info for participants

Key info

The public play event in the Saint Botoloph’s Churchyard and Enchanted Garden on 01/10/2021 is part of a research project called “Public Play, Local Community and Wellbeing” at the University of Kent and funded by Creative Estuary. The project is led by Dr Dieter Declercq and Dr Ambrose Gillick and co-organised with Northfleet Big Local. The study has been approved by the Central Research Ethics Advisory Group at the University of Kent.

We’re inviting everyone to participate in our public play activities so that we can study if playing in public can have a positive influence on wellbeing. We are gathering evidence and data that can help us get a better understanding of this research topic. We’re doing so by making video-recordings of a workshop in the Enchanted Garden, asking you some questions about your experience, and sending you a survey afterwards. We’ll register your consent before we do so. If you don’t want to be recorded, interviewed or fill in a survey, you can still play our games in Saint Botoloph’s Churchyard and take part in our workshop in the Enchanted Garden. Please take appropriate care when you do so.

All participation is completely voluntary and you can withdraw by leaving at any point. If you want to take part in the workshop, we estimate that this will take about 45 minutes – but you’re free to play for as long as you want.

If you have any questions today, please talk to a team member at the entrance of the Enchanted Garden. For questions afterwards, contact dd324@kent.ac.uk or 01227 823560.

You will be able to sign up to receive information about the results of the study by leaving your email address on the day.

Data collection

We will ask you for your consent to collect the following data from you:

  • Photographs and video footage in the Enchanted Garden.
    • This means that you may be filmed and photographed during the workshop.
    • You will be explicitly told when you will be filmed and photographed during the workshop, and your consent will be recorded on film.
    • Footage and photos of you during the workshop may be used as part of the study, including for publication.
    • You can decide during the workshop if you no longer want to be filmed or photographed by telling the filmmaker/photographer. He will ensure you will be edited out of any footage.
    • You can decide up until 01/11/2021 to withdraw from the study, meaning that no data collected from you during the workshop may be used as part of the study. You can do this by providing my participant ID (provided on the day) to Dr Dieter Declercq (dd324@kent.ac.uk / 01227 823560).
  • Interview recordings in the Enchanted Garden.
    • This means the interview and your consent to participate will be recorded.
    • The researchers will ask you questions about your experiences playing in public today.
    • The recording of the interview will be transcribed using professional and confidential audio transcription software (Otter.ai – see https://otter.ai/about and https://blog.otter.ai/privacy-policy/  for more information). Please note, all responses transcribed in Otter.ai will be kept secure, confidential and anonymous in compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). You can state that you want to opt out, which means the recording will be transcribed manually by the researchers.
    • Your responses will be anonymised before analysis by members of the research team, who may use anonymized direct quotes in publications.
    • Your participation in the interview is completely voluntary. You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to, and you can stop the interview at any point.
    • You can decide up until 24/10/2021 to withdraw from the study, meaning that no data collected from you during the workshop may be used as part of the study. You can do this by providing my participant ID (see above, in bold) to Dr Dieter Declercq (dd324@kent.ac.uk / 01227 823560).
  • Responses to an anonymous survey.
    • This means we will ask you to share your email address so we can contact you to fill in an online survey with some follow-up questions a week after the event.
    • You will not have to fill in any contact details or identifiable information on the survey form.
    • Members of the research team may link your survey responses to your interview responses today, using your participant ID.
    • Your responses will be anonymized before analysis by members of the research team, who may use anonymized direct quotes in publications.

Privacy and data protection

Your data will be processed in accordance with UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) .

Confidentiality will be maintained by ensuring that any formation that could identify participants will be anonymised and the participant’s names will occur only on their consent forms.  We will comply with the UK DPA (Data Protection Act) 2018.

  • All sensitive data will be securely stored and anonymized before analysis and publication. All files will all be encrypted and stored securely on a University of Kent secure server in an access restricted folder. All personal information (name; age; contact details) will be stored on secure University of Kent servers for twelve months after the completion of the project, and then deleted.
  • We will ensure that the views and opinions you share with us during the study will be only those you wish to share; you are invited to contact us at any point to request the deletion of any data associated with you. All subsequent use of audio, interview and survey data will be pseudonymized; use of unaltered video material will be limited to identified project outcomes and associated promotion, presentation and outreach activities by the University and research team. .
  • All research data (photographs, videos, surveys, interviews) will be anonymized and uploaded to Kent Data Repository (KDR) for long-term storage at the conclusion of the project, with ‘Anyone’ access provided within twelve months of the end of the project, according to FAIR data principles, and . available through a standard Creative Commons licence, for public download and use according to the CC BY/ KDR licence conditions.

You can read the privacy notice for research at the University of Kent here: https://research.kent.ac.uk/ris-research-policy-support/wp-content/uploads/sites/2326/2021/06/GDPR-Privacy-Notice-Research.pdf

If you want to ask questions about your rights as a research participant, or want to raise complaints about the study at any point, you can contact Dr Sophie Quirk, Director of Research in the School of Arts at the University of Kent: email s.quirk@kent.ac.uk; tel. +44(0)1227 827532.