CISCS Work in Progress Sessions

CISCS Work In Progress Series.

The CISCS is holding monthly work in progress sessions. Please register with the Eventbrite links below for the sessions. All papers will be pre-circulated to enable participants to have the opportunity to give and receive feedback on their work in progress.

If you’d be interested in giving a paper at a future session please email

All timings are BST. Papers and zoom links will be circulated on registration.

Friday 6th November, 2-4pm: Michael Falk (University of Kent): ‘Aboriginal Nature’ in early Australian Romanticism’

For more information and registration:


Friday December 4th 2020, 2-4pm: Rebecca Macklin (Leeds and UPenn): ‘Unspeakable Histories and Alternative Archives: Interrogating the Past in Louise Erdrich’s The Plague of Doves and Zoë Wicomb’s David’s Story

For more information and registration:


Friday December 18th 2020, 2-4pm: Porscha Fermanis (UCD):Affective Grounds: Frontier Violence and Bad Feeling in Settler Fiction Across Australia and New Zealand’

For more information and registration: