Centre for European Agri-Environmental Studies
Working papers
- Gschwandtner A, Hauser M (2016): ‘Using Profit Persistence to Predict Stock Returns: An Alternative Model ‘– work in progress
- Gschwandtner A, Burton M (2016): ‘The Willingness to Pay for Organic Attributes in the UK’, KDPE 17/02
- Gschwandtner A, Kambhampati U, Louis-Jewell S (2016): ‘Life Style and Happiness in the UK’, KDPE 16/13
- Gschwandtner A, Hirsch S (2016): ‘What drives firm profitability? A comparison of the US and EU food processing industry’, KDPE 16/12
- Gschwandtner A (2014): ‘The Organic Food Premium: A Canterbury Tale’, KDPE 14/11
- Tocco B, Bailey A and Davidova S, ‘The Reallocation of Agricultural Labour across Sectors: An Empirical Strategy for Micro Data’, Factor Markets Working Papers, No 45, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels (2013)
- Tocco B, Davidova S and Bailey A, ‘The Impact of CAP Payments on the Exodus of Labour from Agriculture in Selected EU Member States’, Factor Markets Working Papers, No 66, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels (2013)
- Tocco B, Bailey A and Davidova S, ‘Determinants to Leave Agriculture and Change Occupational Sector: Evidence from an Enlarged EU’, Factor Markets Working Papers, No 46, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels (2013)
- Tocco B, Bailey A and Davidova S, ‘The Reallocation of Agricultural Labour across Sectors: An Empirical Strategy for Micro Data’, Factor Markets Working Papers, No 45, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels (2013)
- Tocco B, Bailey A and Davidova S, ‘The Theoretical Framework and Methodology to Estimate the Farm Labour and Other Factor-Derived Demand and Output Supply Systems’, Factor Markets Working Papers, No 44, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels (2013)
- Tocco B, Davidova S and Bailey A, ‘Commonalities and Differences in Labour Market Developments and Constraints in Different EU Regions’, Factor Markets Working Papers, No 22, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels (2012)
- Kostov P, Davidova S and Bailey A, ‘One size does not fit all: an empirical investigation of the Romanian agriculture production function’. Contributed paper presented at the 91st UK AES Conference, Dublin (2017)
- Kostov P, Davidova S and Bailey A, ‘Comparative Efficiency of Family and Corporate Farms: Does Family Labour Matter’. Contributed paper presented at XV EAAE Congress, Parma, Italy (2017)
- Tocco B, Davidova S and Bailey A, ‘Part-Time Farming in Italy. Does farm size really matte?’. Contributed paper presented at XV EAAE Congress, Parma, Italy (2017)
- Fraser I M: ‘Open economy context for agricultural policy’. Invited presenter at Brexit: an academic conference, Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, Westminster (Parliament), London, November 2016
- Fraser I M: ‘Examining the Relationship Between Visual Attention and Stated Preferences: A Discrete Choice Experiment Using Eye-Tracking’. Invited keynote presenter at the La Trobe Business School Choice Modelling Workshop, Melbourne, Australia (July 2016)
- Kostov P, Davidova S and Bailey, ‘An effect of family labour on output of farms in selected EU Member States: A non-parametric quantile regression approach’. Contributed paper presented at the 90th UK AES Conference, Warwick (2016)
- Rizov M, Davidova S and Bailey A, ‘Employment Effects of CAP Payments on the UK Non-farm Economy’. Contributed Paper presented at 160 EAAE Seminar ‘Rural Jobs and the CAP’, Warsaw (December 2016)
- Davidova S, Thomson K and Hennessey T ‘Rural Jobs and the CAP – Spitting into the wind?’. Plenary paper presented at 160 EAAE Seminar ‘Rural Jobs and the CAP’, Warsaw (December 2016)
- Tocco B, Bailey A, Davidova S and Raimondi V, ‘Women and Part-time Farming: Understanding Labour Supply Decisions in Italian Farm Households’. Contributed paper presented at 29th Triennial Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Milan, Italy (2015)
- Fraser I M: ‘Divestment of the English Forestry Estate: An Economically Sound Choice?’. Contributed paper at EnvEcon Conference, London (2013)
- Fraser I M: ‘Attribute Non-Attendance and Attribute Importance Ranking Responses within Discrete Choice Experiments’, Contributed Paper, EAAE Workshop on Non-Market Valuation, Barcelona (June 2013)