Centre for European Agri-Environmental Studies

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Enterprise activity

Important activities of the CEAS are to disseminate research results to the policy community and to influence thinking about the future of food and agri-environmental policy in the UK and Europe.

To this end, members of CEAS have been members of advisory committees in different institutions, professional associations, executive boards and editorial committees. For example, S.: EU-DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament, Defra, UN Food and Agricultural Organisation, European Review of Agricultural Economics.


  • UN FAO ‘Improvement of commercialization of small and family farmers in Kosovo’: Davidova S
  • Agra CEAS Consulting, Study for DG Agri on ‘Costs and Benefits of FADN Data Collection’, Member of the Advisory Panel: Davidova S
  • British Academy (Small Grant Scheme): ‘The use of mobile technology to enhance nutritional information provision for healthy diet choices’: Fraser I with Souza-Monteiro D and Lowe B
  • Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation: Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: ‘An Economic Analysis of Nuclear Power ex-ante and ex-post the Fukashima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster’: Fraser I with Shibayama K
  • Defra (Open Tender): ‘Consumer Preferences Regarding Country of Origin Labelling of Meat’: Fraser I with three sub-contractors (University of Reading, Agra CEAS Ltd and FERA)
  • European Parliament ‘Family Farming in Europe: Challenges and Prospects’. In-depth Analysis for the AGRI Committee, European Parliament, DG for Internal Policies, Policy Department B – Structural and Cohesion Policies, p 58: Davidova S and Thomson K
  • European Parliament ‘Semi-subsistence Farming: Value and Directions of Development’. Study, European Parliament, DG for Internal Policies, Policy Department B – Structural and Cohesion Policies, Agriculture and Rural Development, p 112: Davidova S, Bailey A, Dwyer J, Erjavec E, Gorton M and Thomson K
  • LSE Public Policy Group: Review of the report ‘Has the EU support to the food-processing industry been effective and efficient in adding value to agricultural products?’: Gschwandtner A
  • UN FAO ‘Family Farming: a Europe and Central Asia Perspective’, Background Report for UN FAO Regional Dialogue on Family Farming: ‘Working towards a strategic approach to promote food security and nutrition’: Davidova S and Thomson K

CEAS members have also contributed publications in the European policy outreach journal EuroChoices:

  • Davidova S, Hennessy T and Thomson K (2017) ‘Labour and Income Trends in EU Agriculture’, Parlons Graphiques, EuroChoices, 16(3): 10-11
  • Davidova S (2014) ‘Small and semi-subsistence farms in the EU: Significance and development paths’, EuroChoices 13(1)
  • Davidova S and Bailey A (2014) ‘Roles of small and semi-subsistence farms in the EU’, EuroChoices, 13 (1)
  • Bailey A and Suta C (2014) ‘Small Farming across the EU-27’, Parlons Graphiques, EuroChoices, 13 (1)