Funding body: Heritage Lottery Fund and Townscape Heritage Initiative (2015-2017)
Principal Investigator:Prof. Marialena Nikolopoulou
Co-Is: Dr Richard Watkins and Dr Dr Giridharan Renganathan, Keith Bothwell
Co-I from School of Psychology: Hannah Swift
Project partners: Kent County Council, Thanet District Council Daedalus Environmental Limited, Lee Evans Architects
Focusing on key national priorities of climate change and aging population, the project will evaluate exemplar climate change adaptation and retrofit strategies for heritage townhouses, while promoting opportunities for intergenerational living.
The Dalby Square project in Margate is a cross sector collaboration between Kent County Council, Thanet District Council, the Centre for Architecture and Sustainable Environment at the University of Kent, and the private sector, to develop and retrofit the KCC owned property at 12a Dalby Square into an exemplar residence that simultaneously addresses the challenges of climate change and promote opportunities for intergenerational living, whilst also ensuring that the existing Architectural details of the property are conserved and restored .
The works include significant façade improvements, climate change adaptation measures and a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation scheme, which will yield vital data for the development of a nationally important Sustainable Heritage Toolkit.