Funding body: AHRC Creative XC (2015)
Principal Investigator (For Kent) : Prof. Marialena Nikolopoulou
Partners: Lancaster University, Magnetic North, Chas Jacobs
Cartography has traditionally comprised both science and art in order to create beautiful maps and whilst it has always incorporated advances in technology, the emergence of on-line mapping services has produced a dominant map aesthetic that serves the very general usability and utility requirements of turn-by-turn urban navigation. In this project we will investigate the opportunities for the creation of aesthetically pleasing bespoke digital maps for personal mobile applications that provide different representations of the landscape.
This project builds upon the notion of ‘paths of desire’ or the practice of pedestrians usually taking the shortest or most easily navigated route between an origin and destination. Whilst this practice may be efficient, it means that many special locations within cities may lie undiscovered. The project will consider the creation of personalised dynamic digital maps that offer users the opportunity to deviate from their normal routes by changing the aesthetics of the map in real time, as the user navigates around the city.
We believe this research into the creation of dynamic, or even animated maps, has much to offer the creative industries such that cartography may once again become an important area of practice.
For further information, click here.