The OGHReS survey is a systematic high-resolution (<30'') survey of the southern outer Galactic plane in 12CO(2--1) and 13CO(2--1), mapping 100 square degrees between 180deg < l < 280deg following the Galactic warp in latitude similar to Hi-GAL.
This will not only complement our view of the southern Galactic plane in combination with the SEDIGISM survey, but also close a large gap in Galactic longitude where only lower resolution data from fragmented surveys is available to date. Our main science goals are: 1) investigate GMCs and star formation in a different environment than the inner Galaxy (e.g. lower HI density and metallicity, less intense UV radiation field); 2) study dynamics on all scales (e.g. molecular clouds, filaments, clumps); 3) constrain 3D structure of the ISM out to R=20kpc (e.g. spiral arms, filaments, spurs, bridges, shells); 4) constrain global parameters of the Milky Way, like X(CO) and gas-to-dust ratio, in the low metallicity environment of the outer Galaxy. Here, I give a status report on the progress made so far and give some insight into some early science results.
About the Speaker:
Carsten studied Physics in Bonn, Germany. He received his Diploma (equivalent to M.Sc.) in Physics in 2013 (Thesis: “Physical Conditions of Massive Star Forming Clumps Derived from MIR/FIR/Submm Spectral Energy Distributions”). He began a PhD in Astrophysics at MPIfR, Bonn, which was awarded in 2018. The title of his thesis is “Deep, large scale surveys of star forming regions throughout the Milky Way”). Since 2019 software engineer for the sub-millimeter instrumentation department of the MPIfR.
His research interests include: Galactic structure, kinematics and dynamics, (High mass) star formation in the inner and outer Galaxy and he is currently leading the Outer Galaxy High Resolution Survey (OGHReS), which is an international collaboration with partners across the EU and Chile.
For more information about this survey visit our seminar page where the slides and a recording of the talk are available.
For more information about our speaker and his research interests please visit his MPIfR profile page.