Dr Agnese Salvati from Brunel University participated in the Annex80 lecture series with her lecture titled, ‘Urban Albedo and microclimate: Impact on outdoor thermal comfort and building overheating’ on the 1 December 2020, presenting the modelling results from the Urban Albedo project.
The objective of the Annex80 is to support resilient low energy and low carbon cooling systems and overheating protection technologies to respond to the rapid increase of air conditioning of buildings, driven by multiple factors, such as urbanisation and densification, climate change and elevated comfort expectations together with economic growth in hot and densely populated climate regions of the world.
Brunel is contributing to the project along with other 34 teams from 13 countries all over the world. Within the project, Dr Salvati is co-leading the ‘Weather data task force group’, to generate future weather files and heat wave data to be used in building dynamic simulations, to assess the resilience of buildings and cooling technologies under climate change scenarios.