The Urban Albedo project was represented through two different papers in this year’s very successful 35th PLEA Virtual Conference on 1 – 3 September 2020, organised by the University of A Coruña in Spain. This year’s conference theme was ‘Planning Post Carbon Cities’. The two papers presenting the simulation and modelling of the work through ENVI-MET and RADIANCE were presented by Dr Agnese Salvati from Brunel University and PhD student Muhammed Yeninarcilar from the University of Kent.
You can watch the presentations of both papers on YouTube at the links below:
- “Impact of urban albedo on microclimate Computational investigation in London” by Agnese Salvati, Maria Kolokotroni, Alkis Kotopouleas, Richard Watkins, Renganathan Giridharan, Marialena Nikolopoulou
- “Investigating the Impact of Urban Fabric on Urban Albedo: Case Study of London” by Muhammed Yeninarcilar, Marialena Nikolopoulou, Alkis Kotopouleas, Richard Watkins, Giridharan Renganathan
In addition, PhD student Muhammed Yeninarcilar received the SBSE (Society of Building Science Educators) and Jeffrey Cook Student Scholarship to cover his conference registration for his paper.