The Quueird Manses

“The manses were aplenty on an orange-mask app & resigning in was the …”

Quueird; adjective: (of people) without derogation or depreciation, from ‘queer’ and ‘weird’.

Manses; plural noun: (informal)­­ A permeable collection of simultaneous male lovers.

This patchworked series of poetic revelations interweave the conflated voices of; self and other, to navigate experiences facilitated by a certain so-called ‘orange-mask app’.

Straddling a network of masculine sexualities, this text bombards with responses to the performance of this virtual space, where in one moment, “the nearest 300 pariahs would rotate in shelves of 3” and in another, “men w/ long arm hairs attract followers like dirty bath water”.

Read on as one mans declares “I put my heart through such an unhealthy revolving door of fascinations […] ‘ ‘cause it might not be HIV Awareness Week anymore but I’ve just been advised to take PrEP for the first time”.

Purchase The Quueird Manses via Blurb

Author bio

Guy A. Forster-Pearce enters his fourth stage of studying ‘English and American Literature and Creative Writing with A Year in Journalism BA’ at The University of Kent. His craft arises from the intersection of his queer and disabled identities.

He was an Editor of With Love From Queer/Kuir/Kouir Cyprus for Write/Right to the World in 2021 and has previously undertaken the role the Treasurer of the UKC LGBTQ+ Society. He featured as one of four Visual Poets in Queer Writing for a Brave New World, a chapbook published by Out On The Page. With experience as a Press and Social Media Officer for National Student Pride, he now regularly performs his poetry at Exposure and Utterance open mic nights in Canterbury

Keep up to date with all his writing ventures here: 

and follow him on social channels: @guy_afp

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Last updated 10 June 2022