Portrait of  Emilie Steinbach

Emilie Steinbach

Author of macabre lies

Macabre lies

macabre lies is a collection of paintings and poems that speak to each other. They speak of loneliness, anxiety, eating disorders, loss, and their interconnection. Non-sensical and fragmented experiences of grief and mental illnesses find embodiment through unconventional structures and forms of art and poetry.

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Author bio

Emilie Steinbach is a poet and writer of multiple identities as a French Italian Luxembourger. She has finished her English Literature and Creative Writing degree at the University of Kent and plans to pursue a Creative Writing master’s degree in the UK. Her first publication macabre lies is an experimental art poetry book. It highlights the relationship between painting and poetry and how mental illnesses and grief are at the basis of strangeness. Emilie is also working on an innovative erasure psychological thriller Pieces of You, which is about a stalker who stalks themself. She publishes artworks on Instagram, sells prints and does commissions @itsacanvas

Last updated 8 June 2023