Robotics and Assistive technologies CEntre (RACE)

We aim to achieve multiple objectives:

Advancing Cognitive Robotics: To develop and enhance cognitive robotic systems capable of understanding, learning, and adapting to their environments, enabling them to perform complex tasks autonomously.

Improving Human-Robot Interaction (HRI): To design and implement intuitive and effective interaction paradigms between humans and robots, ensuring seamless collaboration, communication, and mutual understanding in various settings.

Developing Assistive Technologies: To innovate and create assistive technologies that support individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and other populations in need, improving their quality of life and fostering independence.

Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration: To promote interdisciplinary research by integrating knowledge from fields such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, psychology, cognitive science, and healthcare, fostering collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders.

Ethical and Societal Impact: To address the ethical, social, and legal implications of deploying cognitive robots and assistive technologies, ensuring that advancements are aligned with societal values and contribute positively to human well-being.

Education and Training: To provide education and training opportunities for students, researchers, and professionals in the fields of cognitive robotics, human-robot interaction, and assistive technologies, preparing the next generation of experts.

Real-World Applications and Implementation: To translate research findings into practical applications across various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, service, and domestic environments, thereby demonstrating the real-world impact of the developed technologies.

By focusing on these aims, the research group can contribute to the advancement of cognitive robotics and assistive technologies, enhancing the interaction between humans and robots, and ultimately improving the quality of life for many individuals.