Centre for Practical Philosophy

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Picture by Radachynskyi

Centre for Practical Philosophy

Aiming to bring together cutting edge philosophical research

Everyday life is full of events that raise philosophical questions, making Philosophy one of the most practical of subjects.

The Centre for Practical Philosophy aims to bring together cutting-edge philosophical research on questions of normativity (values, reasons, and norms) to contemporary practical issues in politics, economics, and medicine. The Centre adopts an inclusive philosophical approach to exploring the connections between the abstract and practical, welcoming both analytic and continental contributions to questions of practical normativity.

Founded on the belief that philosophical reflection often starts from everyday thought, the Centre is firmly committed to the practical application of philosophy outside traditional academia through collaboration with policymakers, clinicians, lawyers, and technology firms. The Centre provides a research hub for philosophical activity and networks in ways that address vital concerns of society.

The Centre hosts numerous workshops, conferences, and debates of interest to cross-disciplinary researchers as well as practitioners in different professions.