CRM1672 Artemisia vulgaris L.

Family Asteraceae
Genus Artemisia
Species vulgaris
Author L.
Use Used for colouring and seasoning food. Medicinally, used to treat digestive problems and menstrual matters, and as an antihelminic. All parts ntiseptic and antispasmodic.
Collector Caissa Revilla Minaya
Number CRM1672
Date 03/10/2007
Location Victoria Allotments, Canterbury, Kent.
Coordinates N 51.28012301 E 1.06864711
Common name/s Mugworth, Common Mugworth, Common Wormwood, Douglas Mugworth, St. John's Plant; Fleur St. Jean (French); Altamisa, Hierba De San Juan (Spanish).
(Open in Open Street Map)