CRM1670 Crataegus monogyna Jacq.

Family Rosaceae
Genus Crataegus
Species monogyna
Author Jacq.
Use Fruit edible, used to make jams and preserves. Flowers and fruit used to treat heart and circulation problems. Fruit antispasmodic, diuretic, sedative, astringent and tonic. Plant ornamentally used for hedges, wood used to produce charcoal.
Collector Caissa Revilla Minaya
Number CRM1670
Date 03/10/2007
Location Victoria Allotments, Canterbury, Kent.
Coordinates N 51.28012301 E 1.06864711
Common name/s Hawthorn, Common Hawthorn, One-Seed Hawthorn, Haw, Mayflower; Eenstijlige Meidoorn (Danish); Espino Albar, Majuelo, Espino Majuelo, Espinera, Majoleto (Spanish)
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