Governing Scientific Accountability in China

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Educational module resource for Chinese scientific practitioners

Mission statement “生物科技的公众参与”中文教学模块的介绍:

This Educational Module Resource (EMR) on the public engagement of science for Chinese institutions is a key deliverable for Dr Joy Zhang’s ESRC project. It aims to promote institutional awareness of public engagement of science and establish curriculum change in key Chinese institutions.

The EMR is co-authored by Dr Miao Liao (CATSED, Ministry of Science in China) and Dr Joy Zhang. It is funded by the ESRC and the University of Kent. We are also grateful for Professor Lu Gao at the Chinese Academy of Sciences to act as the EMR China Coordinator. She organises and oversees the trial implementation of these lectures in different Chinese institutions.

We provide an abridged Student Version of the lectures below. In you have any queries, or if you’d like to receive the free full scripts with supporting materials for your teaching in China, please contact Dr. Joy Zhang (

这套生物科技的公众参与中文教学模块(Educational Module Resource, 简称EMR)的产生是基于ESRC项目 “中国科研公信治理”的调研成果,以及此项目于2017年3月底,在中国武汉华中科技大学举办的“科技⻛险与公共参与国际培训研讨会”上中英多方学者的讨论。我们旨在建立一套能够介绍欧美相关经验,但又能和中国国情接轨的课程,希望从理念和实践两方面帮助中国科研工作者高效获得(海内外)公众对中国科技投入与产业化的理解及信任度,推动中国科研界对建立成熟顺畅的与大众沟通渠道的探索。本教学模块初衷是帮助任课老师用最短的时间掌握教学脉络,以使其能把相应知识点整体或局部地融合到其目前的教学中,本模块也希望能够作为研究生以上科研工作者自学的材料。

