Growing Kent & Medway

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Growing Kent and Medway 2023 showcase event

Growing Kent and Medway host first ever showcase event

On Wednesday 21 June, Growing Kent & Medway brought together members, researchers, business experts, and funders to celebrate the sustainable innovation being supported by the programme.

On Wednesday 21 JuneGrowing Kent & Medway brought together members, researchers, business experts, and funders to celebrate the sustainable innovation being supported by the programme.

This was an opportunity to explore how collaboration between businesses and research can drive innovation and transform the way we grow, produce, and distribute food in both Kent and the UK.

An issue that arose throughout the day centred on the question of whether it is enough that the food we eat delivers our basic energy and nutritional requirements, or if it is possible to have a more harmonious relationship between our food systems, our health, and the environment.

Talks were focussed around three themes:

  • Agri-technology, food systems, and the race to net-zero
  • Sustainable land use and alternative farming systems
  • Food for thought, and health!

One highlight from the day was an insightful talk by Dr Michelle Marin Chau, Co-founder and Communications Director for Nutri-San, who explained how they’re now working with the Biotechnology Hub at the University of Kent to find alternative uses for their by-products. Waste seaweed from their processing is being tested as a bio-stimulant for plants. They are collaborating with Re-generation Earth to test how beneficial it could be to our growing systems. Nutri-San is also working with the team at the Biotechnology Hub to look at the potential for the extraction of high-value compounds for use in medicine and health.

Sophie Packer, the Innovation Growth Manager for Growing Kent and Medway, said: “Our first ever Showcase Day was an inspiring celebration of entrepreneurs and researchers who are thoroughly committed to the idea of sustainable innovation – with the wellness of their customers and the environment at the heart of what they do. The importance of collaboration, between businesses and researchers to enable us to create sustainable food systems was clear throughout.”

To become part of the Growing Kent and Medway network and see how we can help your business to thrive, sign-up to be a member.

The University of Kent is working with the Food Foundation to become the world’s first Right to Food University. As well as protecting staff and students from food insecurity, the University will be a hub for knowledge sharing, innovation and learning on food systems and inspire universities and other organisations across the UK and internationally to commit to the Right to Food.