End of project celebration and workshop: Gifting and Sharing in Times of Crisis
3 March 2023, 12-4pm, at the Barnsbury Community Centre, 12, Jays Street, London, N1 0FE
This event marks the end of Dr Ellie Jupp’s project ‘Gifting and sharing in times of crisis’, funded by the Independent Social Research Foundation. The project has involved interviews and ethnography in three UK regions: London, Stoke-on-Trent and East Kent, exploring forms of community action involving gifting and sharing, ranging from food, clothing and household items, to time and digital spaces. The event is a chance to hear about project findings, and to bring together participants, other researchers and community organisers to share a meal and ideas, around an installation made by Another Provision
Speakers to include: Alison Briggs (University of Manchester), Celia Plender (University of Exeter), Maddy Power (University of York), Dan Thompson, (Artist, writer and Storyteller for B arts)
To reserve a place contact Ellie: e.f.jupp@kent.ac.uk
My book ‘Care, Crisis and Activism’ (Policy Press) that explores these themes is now published, details here.
My blog piece ‘Community action in the pandemic: what happened to mutual aid?’ for Transforming Society is here
ISRF Bulletin piece on ‘Experiments in Collective Care’ available here
I’ve given interviews recently to BBC Radio Kent on the legacy of mutual aid, collective care and kindness locally – on 14/2/2022 on Julia George show (at 2.22) and 9/3/022 on Pat Marsh show (at 3.37)
I gave a talk on 7/3/2022 to the Voluntary Action history society on ‘Community action, care and crisis’
I gave a paper on ‘Gifting and sharing in a context of crisis’ at the Co-operative City webinar at the University of Tampere on 11/2/2022.
Watch this space for upcoming events!
My other academic publications can be viewed here.