Minor updates – Cards and Feature panels

The Cards and Feature panels have both been updated in recent days. Here is a quick overview of some of the changes:

Cards panel

Support has been added for image backgrounds on the panel. All you need to do is select ‘Image’ from the panel background dropdown and additional fields will appear giving you the ability to choose your image, an overlay colour, and more. Additionally, we added in an option to set the cards to be unresponsive, meaning that if you have 2 or 3 cards on a row they will not stretch to fill the container.

Some lightweight documentation has been provided on the cards panel page on this site. We will be improving the guidance offered about how to configure this panel, but if you have any questions please do get in touch with us by emailing the HelpDesk.

Further examples of our cards panel can be seen on our cards panel page over on our theme test site.

Feature panel

This panel had some errors, not allowing you to center align content vertically for instance. We have now fixed this, and if you set the panel to be ‘Big’ or ‘XL’ you now get an option to add a down arrow button. When clicked on users will be scrolled further down the page automatically.

A good example of the updated feature panel can be seen on our mix 4 page over on our theme test site.