BA (Hons) Architecture Stage 1: Digital Grotesque (2018-19)

Grotesque refers to a fantastic or mythical figure used for decorative purposes. The idea was to explore the idea of the grotesque: from types of decorative patterns using curving foliage elements of (for example) Renaissance and Gothic Architecture to the sinuous organic forms of natural phenomena. Each student produced a 3D digital tile design, which they then fabricated using digital printing and lasercutting techniques amalgamated with hand crafted methods to produce a physical tile which was then hung to form a collective installation for the 2018-18 End of Year show.

The installation was the conclusion of the digital folio module, which is a stage 1/first year module designed to introduce first years to digital modelling and presentations skills. The aim of Digital folio is to provide an insight into using the computer as an aid to designing and to develop and enhance modelling skills. The emphasis is to promote creativity through digital “crafting” – referring to exchange between the use of digital tools and the skill and dexterity of the handmade. The objective therefore is not to design but explore the shaping, constructing and composition of forms to develop 3D thinking through the use of digital modelling software.